Crash Reconstruction
The Upper Allen Police investigate serious and/or fatal traffic accidents each year. Many of our officers have advanced accident investigation training. The Traffic Safety Officer is assigned to the County Crash Investigation Team which assists agencies in Cumberland County in reconstructing fatal and serious crashes.
Computer Crime Task Force
The Upper Allen Police Department has an officer assigned to the Cumberland County Computer Crime Task Force and the Pennsylvania State Police Area I Computer Crime Task Force. In partnership with the Internet Crimes against Children Task Force and the Department of Homeland Security, these teams investigate high-tech crimes and child exploitation throughout central Pennsylvania.
Drug Task Force
The Upper Allen Police are charter members of the Cumberland County Drug Task Force with at least one of our officers assigned to the task force since its inception in the early 1980’s.
DUI Enforcement
Upper Allen Police Officers have been presented with DUI enforcement awards for the past 10 consecutive years. In 2000 our department was the only department in Cumberland County to receive this coveted award. Numerous DUI check points have been held in Upper Allen Township and our officers participate in check points throughout the county. In addition, DUI Roving Patrols are conducted on a regular basis. Both of these enforcement initiatives are aimed at reducing alcohol related accidents, injuries and deaths and are coordinated with the Cumberland County Office of the District Attorney and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
Crime Scene Forensics
This is a group of officers highly trained in the science of evidence collection and crime scene preservation. The Cumberland County Forensic Team is called to major crime scenes throughout the county. The Upper Allen Police Department has one officer assigned to assist this team.
Special Response Team (SRT)
The Upper Allen Police Department has two officers assigned to this highly-trained team of tactical officers. Handling hostage situations, barricaded gunmen and other high risk entry type situations, the Cumberland County SRT responds throughout the county.